The Centre enjoys faculty engagement from a wide variety of disciplines and Colleges at the University of Saskatchewan including Education, Law, Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, and Sociology.

In addition to its faculty contributors and staff, the Centre is supported by an Executive Committee comprised of university faculty members and a community-university Advisory Board.

You can become a member or subscribe to the Centre to know more about our research.



Faculty Members

Executive Committee

The Centre Executive Committee consists of the Centre Director and four individuals elected from and by University of Saskatchewan faculty members of the Centre. The Centre Executive Committee works with the Director to develop and implement strategies to foster interdisciplinary research, promote public awareness, engage external partners, encourage faculty and student involvement, as well as to approve processes related to internal programs, and oversee Centre budget and finances.

Current Executive Committee members include:

  • Dr. Mansfield Mela (Chair) Director, CFBSJS
  • Dr. Philip Woods, College of Nursing
  • Heather Heavin, Associate Dean Research and Graduate Studies, College of Law
  • Dr. Ray Spiteri,  Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Arts & Science
  • Dr. Vivian Ramsden (Interim Member) Professor, College of Medicine

Advisory Board

Established during 2011-12, the Centre Advisory Board consists of invited University and non-University representatives and is Chaired by the Vice-Dean Research, Scholarly and Artistic Work, as designate of the Vice-President Research, University of Saskatchewan. The Board provides input and advice on a range of issues fundamental to the long-term viability of the Centre, including but not limited to research and programming initiatives, policies and partnerships. 

Board members include:

  • Dr. Bram Noble (Chair) Vice-Dean Research, Scholarly and Artistic Works, College of Arts and Science
  • Dr. Marek Radomski, Vice-Dean Research, College of Medicine
  • Dr. Olajide Adelugba, Psychiatrist and Clinical Director, Regional Hospital, Regional Psychiatric Centre (Prairies), Correctional Service Canada
  • Mr. Scott Harron, Executive Director, Research and Implementation Branch, Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Government of Saskatchewan
  • TBA, City of Saskatoon
  • Dr. Leslie Anne Keown, A/Senior Research Manager, Research Branch, NHQ, CSC
  • Mr. Eric Michael, Acting Executive Director, Willow Cree Healing Lodge
  • Sgt. Nick Smyth, Manager, Regina Violent Crime Analysis Sections, RCMP F Division
  • Dr. Emily Snyder, Faculty Member, Department of Indigenous Studies, College of Arts and Science
  • Dr. John Weekes, Independent Consultant (previously with CSC) 



Community Members
