
Admission criteria for the Postgraduate Degree Specialization Certificate in Corrections are as follows: 

  • Current employment with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice.
  • Written letter of nomination from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice confirming commitment to participate.
  • Completion of a Master's degree from a recognized University in  Psychology, Sociology, Criminology, Social Work, or another relevant graduate degree in the Human Services area.
  • A 70% average for coursework completed within a Master's degree.


The Postgraduate Degree Specialization Certificate in Corrections (PGDSCC) is a one-of-a-kind program, targeted to senior professionals working in the field of corrections. Through a combination of theory and applied work, carried out in the context of ongoing employment and supported by one-on-one supervision and mentoring, this field-based program helps to build both individual and organizational capacity for applying evidence-based practice in the areas of offender assessment, management, and treatment.  By equipping participants with the advanced knowledge and skills needed to support the development and implementation of effective corrections programming and practices and to provide active organizational leadership in corrections research and evaluation, provides a strong foundation for both enhancing correctional effectiveness and advancing community safety.

The program is comprised of 7 courses completed over a 2-year period, concurrent with full-time employment.  Full employer support and involvement are required to ensure the goals of the program are achieved.

Want to learn more about our postgraduate training? Chat with our Coordinator and ask any questions you have.


This course explores the theoretical and empirical basis of criminal behavior.  This knowledge will then be considered for the prediction of criminal behavior, classification of offenders for purposes of treatment and interventions, and finally effective interventions with offender populations.

This course aims to expose the participant to statutes, acts, and legislations that govern corrections, including those governing information sharing and services.  Next, policies governing the management of correctional clientele, including roles and responsibilities, are reviewed.  Legal and policy aspects are each considered from an effective correctional intervention perspective.

This course provides content learning and supervised field experience in general psychological and specific forensic assessment as they are applied to offender populations. Risk and criminogenic needs assessment pertaining to the risk for general and specific criminal recidivism will be examined, as will the delineation of offender-specific treatment targets for intervention.

This course will examine the development of the case management of offenders from social service models of the late 1960’s to the present-day practice of incorporating the Risk, Need, Responsivity principles and linking assessment with case management. Important concepts of assessment, risk management, and rehabilitation will be explored.

This course will cover topics related to effective correctional intervention with institutional and community-based correctional clients, including aspects of offender screening and classification, a review of general evidence-based treatment approaches with emphasis on cognitive-behavioral modalities, and an examination of their application to specific offender criminogenic needs.

This course explores the evaluation literature on correctional treatment and the research designs and methodologies that are used to undertake these evaluations in large organizational structures. A primary objective will be to examine the research and development of the Correctional Programs Assessment Inventory (CPAI) and its use to evaluate correctional programs.

This course will examine the role of clinical supervision for assessment and case management in the development of effective correctional treatment service delivery systems. This will include the importance of professional and ethical standards for practice and how this is achieved through policy and developing formal mechanisms to evaluate performance.

How to Apply

Applicants must provide the following:

  • Current curriculum vitae;
  • Official transcripts of previous graduate and undergraduate education if OTHER THAN the University of Saskatchewan;
  • Letter from the employer confirming an applicant’s employment status and the employer’s intent to support the applicant’s participation in the program.