To help build research capacity across the broad domains of crime, justice and corrections, the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Sciences and Justice Studies offers various types of research funding for graduate students and faculty.

Grant Funding

Research Awards up to $6,000 and/or scholarships of varying amounts/duration are available to current University of Saskatchewan graduate students to support the costs of research activities. The next call for applications is TO BE DETERMINED but will be advertised when live. 

Previous Graduate Student Awards

Can you Centralize a Loved One's Trauma?  An Examination of the Role of Even Centrality in Recovering from Indirect Trauma Exposure (2021)
W. Willcott-Benoit, Ph.D. student, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Experiences of Sexual Victimization amoung Psychology Graduate Students at Field Placements (2021)
A. Palermo, M.A. student, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

University Athletics and Sexual Assault:  Can Bystander and Consent Education Promote Change? (2020)
B. Thiessen, M.A. student, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

An Examination of Risk-Need Profiles amoung Saskatchewan NCR Acquittees (2020)
S. Rine, Ph.D. student, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Research Proposal: Using a Story Completion Task to Investigate Law Enforcement Personnel’s Perceptions of Persons who Experience Intimate Partner Abuse (2020)
K. Toews, Ph.D. student, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

A community-based approach towards a gender-informed mental health assessment process for women in Canadian prisons (2020)
M. Cruz, M.A. student, Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Science

Mother and Father Blaming in Child Sexual Abuse Cases (2020)
J. Zagrodney, Ph.D. student, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Technological developments:  Impact on the interface of human interactions (2020)
M. Abdulai, Ph.D. student, Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Science

Toward  a Greater Understanding of the Assessment, Prevention, and Psychological Correlates of Animal Sexual Abuse (2020)
A. Zidenberg, Ph.D. student, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Examining Adult Attachment- and Psychopathy-Related Variables Within the Social Communication Model of Pain
K. Morrison, M.A. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Failure to Thrive – The Inaccessibility of Gladue Reports
B. Marwood, LL.M. student, College of Law

An Examination of Risk, Need, and Protective Factors among Saskatchewan Young Offenders: Implications for Risk Management and Community Reintegration
K. Lovatt, M.A. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Resistance of judges to apply R v Gladue principles and the potential solutions to address such error of law, including a look at the progress in a fellow commonwealth country, New Zealand
H. Peterson, LL.M. student, College of Law

A Life-History Approach to Community Reintegration: Female Ex-Offenders’ Experiences of Facilitators and Barriers to Successful Community Reintegration
K. Brown, M.A. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Participant Experience in the Mental Health Strategy (MHS) Court in Saskatoon
C. Dell, M.Sc. student, College of Nursing

A Meta-Analysis of Interventions for Pedohebephilic Interests
I. McPhail, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Offender Memories of Violent Crimes: Exploring the Factors Involved in the Experience of Intrusive Memories
A. Mossiere, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, St. Thomas More College

Responsivity Factors and the Treatment Process in an Intimate Partner Violence Group Program
C. Schafers, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Pre-custody Incarceration and the System of Law in Canada
M. Stobbe, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Sociology, College of Arts and Science

Care versus Control: The Dual-Role Relationships of Offender Community Supervision
K. Truswell, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Biopsychosocial Influences on Children's Event Recall and Recall Perspective for Emotional Events
T. Cordwell, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, St. Thomas More College

Successful Sex Offender Reintegration
G. Corabian, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Inpatient Violence on Forensic Units
N. Hogan, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Correctional Orientation of Corrections Workers in Adult Correctional Facilities
C. Jones, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Clinical, Proximate, and Ultimate Explorations of Psychopathy
L. Sewall, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Gang Involvement and Desistance
R. Henry, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Native Studies, College of Arts and Science

Dynamic Risk, Protective Factors, and Treatment in Violent Offenders
R. Coupland, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

The Role of Dehumanization in Attitudes Toward the Community Reintegration of Sex Offenders
C. Camman, M.A. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Substance Use in Young Offenders Referred to a Community-Based Forensic Psychiatry Program
S. Takahashi, M.A. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Victim-Offender Mediation
C. Strauss, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Treatment Readiness, Therapeutic Change and Recidivism Among Sex Offenders
J. Sowden, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Community Notification of Sexual Offender Release
N. Chopin, M.A. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Early Release of Federal Aboriginal Offenders
A. Flaminio, LL.M. student, College of Law

Homelessness Among Offenders Released from Federal Correctional Facilities in Saskatchewan
K. Parhar, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Risk Assessment in Federal Female Offenders
C. Stewart, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Psychology, College of Arts and Science

Previous Scholarship Funding


M. Abdulai, Ph.D student, Dept. of Sociology

Exploring the Experiences of Participants Who Have Accessed the Mental Health Strategy Court in Saskatoon
C. Dell, Master's Student, College of Nursing


The Determinants of Cybercrime Victimization among University Students: Case Study of the University of Saskatchewan
M. Abdulai, Master's student, Dept. of Sociology

Childhood Trauma as a Predictor of Risk for Female Offenders
K. Brown, Master's student, Dept. of Psychology

A Gendered Examination of the Not Criminally Responsible Population in Alberta
R. Wirove, Master's student, Dept. of Psychology


Measuring Risk of Re-offense for Aboriginal Male Offenders
A. Pilon, Master's student, Dept. of Psychology

Violent Offender Rehabilitation and Implications for Case Management
C. Schafers, Master's student, Dept. of Psychology

Aboriginal Women's Violence Against Intimate Partners
T. Sediqi, Master's student, Dept. of Psychology


Measuring Risk of Re-offense for Aboriginal Male Offenders
A. Pilon, Master's student, Dept. of Psychology

Violent Offender Rehabilitation and Implications for Case Management
C. Schafers, Master's student, Dept. of Psychology

Aboriginal Women's Violence Against Intimate Partners
T. Sediqi, Master's student, Dept. of Psychology

Public Punitive Attitudes to Crime Control in Saskatchewan
S. Weng, Master's student, Dept. of Psychology


Trans-generational Issues and Social Determinants of Offending Among Indigenous Offenders with Compromised Mental Health and/or Criminogenic World Views
S.L. Sanders, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Interdisciplinary Studies

Measuring Risk of Re-offense for Aboriginal Male Offenders
A. Pilon, Master's student, Dept. of Psychology

Violent Offender Rehabilitation and Implications for Case Management
C. Schafers, Master's student, Dept. of Psychology